The King and Queen of Spain, Felipe and Letizia, paid a joint visit this Wednesday, January 10th, to the “Gumersindo Azcárate” Infant and Primary School (CEIP), which has been awarded the “Princess of Girona School of the Year 2022” prize.
The educational center received this recognition for its “uniqueness in the humanistic use of technology” and for its commitment to a “diverse coexistence and focused on positively impacting its environment”.
During the visit, the King and Queen interacted with the students and teachers of the school, showing a close and cordial attitude.
King Felipe and Queen Letizia gestures
The images released by the Royal Household show Felipe and Letizia sharing their impressions of the visit, with the King even holding an umbrella to protect the Queen from the rain.
The visit comes at a delicate time for the Spanish monarchy, which has recently been embroiled in several controversies.
On the one hand, the statements made by Jaime del Burgo, Letizia’s former brother-in-law, who claimed on social media to have had a relationship with the Queen before and after her marriage to Felipe.
On the other hand, the publication of photos of the birthday of King Emeritus Juan Carlos, which has caused discomfort in some sectors of Spanish society.
Faced with this situation, the Kings and Queens have chosen to continue with their institutional agenda, demonstrating their unity and harmony as a couple and as representatives of the Crown.