Prince Harry has a good friend, named Ignacio Figueras, known as “Nacho”, the man has gained prominence by appearing in the Netflix documentary series “Harry and Meghan”, who is he and where do they know each other from?
Since Prince Harry began his relationship with Meghan Markle in 2016, his life has changed completely, going through the confrontation with his family for his departure from the institution, the Duke has seen how some people have turned their backs on him, but a faithful friend remained, that is Ignacio Figueras, who defends him tooth and nail in Netflix documentary series.
Who is Ignacio Nacho Figueras? Prince Harry’s best friend
Ignacio Nacho Figueras is an Argentine polo player. He and Harry met in 2007 when they met at a polo field in the United Kingdom, from that moment on they started a solid friendship.
Both have shared a team on numerous occasions, enjoying to the fullest this passion that unites them. In addition, it should be noted that they also share a solidarity facet and that through polo they have done charitable actions.
Besides being a polo player, Figueras has also worked as a model. He has also worked as an actor, the series ‘Gossip Girl’ is the most prominent of which he has participated.
Ignacio is married to former model and photographer Delfina Blaquier, with whom he has four children.
Prince Harry’s best friend is also an advocate for Meghan and has always stood up for the couple. He once told host Ellen DeGeneres what he thought of Meghan Markle.
“Meghan gave up everything for him, she gave up all the things she had to marry this man she loves.” and added that “I will stand up for my friends because they are making a big difference that we should all support rather than attack.”