In an unexpected twist, Samantha Markle’s counsel, Peter Ticktin, has revealed plans to appeal the dismissal of the lawsuit against Meghan and reopen the case.
The lawyer for Meghan’s half-sister has as his strategy: to call Kate Middleton herself to testify against the Duchess of Sussex.
The lawsuit between Meghan and her half-sister
The legal dispute between the Markle sisters took a surprising turn when Samantha’s lawyer, Peter Ticktin, announced his intention to appeal the recent court decision that dismissed the defamation suit against Meghan.
In an exclusive interview with Spanish media outlet ‘Vanitatis’, Ticktin hinted at an explosive strategy that could drag Kate Middleton herself into the center of the scandal.
Ticktin, known for his close friendship with Donald Trump and for having handled high-profile cases, revealed that their plan is to request a change of judge and hold a new trial “de novo,” which means starting from scratch.
In this process, they intend to call the Princess of Wales to testify against her sister-in-law, Meghan Markle.
Ticktin expressed confidence that the three-judge panel of the appeals court will see the case differently.
According to the counsel, the judge who dismissed the lawsuit had political implications to favor a person who is against the British Royal Household.
“We believe that the new judges will decide to work on the lawsuit from scratch, which is called ‘de novo,’ and means that everything starts from scratch,” Ticktin explained.
“We don’t need to prove that the judge performed an ‘abuse of discretion.’ What we need to prove is that the judge didn’t just read the lawsuit as a legal matter.”
If they succeed in reopening the case, Ticktin assured that they will call “to testify Kate Middleton, a real lady compared to the fraud who acts thinking she is a princess,” in reference to Meghan Markle.
The origin of the dispute dates back to the controversial interview the Duke and Duchess of Sussex gave to Oprah Winfrey in 2021, where Samantha alleged that Meghan had orchestrated “a campaign to defame and destroy the reputation of her sister and father.”
Although the judge dismissed these allegations, Ticktin and his team are determined to revive the case.
With this unexpected strategy, the litigation between the Markle sisters takes on a new dimension that threatens to directly involve Prince William’s wife and could unleash an earthquake in the British royals.