Seven months after their marriage, in February 1982, Prince Charles and Princess Diana took refuge for ten days on Eleuthera Island, in the Bahamas. Both had been harassed by the press for months and needed a break. Photographers followed the couple to the Caribbean, camouflaged themselves among nature and managed to get the pictures they wanted.
Diana was shy, young, pretty, newly married and pregnant, five months along, and yet she decided to enjoy the sun and sea in a bikini.
The paparazzi got pure gold. The pictures of Princess Diana in bikini were in all the tabloids, Queen Elizabeth called it “the blackest day in the history of British journalism”.
The official spokesman for Queen Elizabeth II at the time, Michael Sea, was the first to speak out and described the behavior of the newspapers as “very bad taste”.
“This tasteless behavior comes as a breach of the standard normally accepted by the British press when it comes to the privacy of individuals,” Sea explained.
Photos of Princess Diana in bikini while she was pregnant
The most striking thing about the photos of Diana in a bikini while pregnant with William, is that the couple looked very happy and affectionate. Never before had the Prince of Wales been seen so enthusiastic with Diana.
In spite of all the scandal that the publication of Diana’s bikini photos entailed, where it is worth mentioning that the issue reached the British Parliament and some politicians raised the dilemma about the respect for privacy, those 10 days under the Caribbean sun, were undoubtedly a real vacation for the future parents and the photos prove it.
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