Dr Richard Shepherd, a renowned medical pathologist, has made shocking revelations about his examination of Princess Diana’s body following her tragic death in a car crash on 31 August 1997.
Over the course of his career, Dr. Shepherd has examined tens of thousands of bodies, but none has been as high profile as that of Princess Diana.
It was he who carried out the second autopsy on Princess Diana’s body as part of the official investigation into her death
What did the doctor say about Diana’s body?
Princess Diana, 36, and her boyfriend Dodi Fayed, 42, were killed when their Mercedes crashed into a pillar on the Pont de l’Alma’ in Paris.
Dr. Shepherd was asked to analyze the details of this tragic accident.
During his work, the pathologist received unusual and strange questions about Princess Diana. People wanted to know details such as whether she was beautiful if she looked peaceful, or even if she was pregnant.
Dr. Shepherd reveals that he was always careful not to give anything away and to respect the late Princess’s privacy.
“I always made sure I never said anything — in all the cases of public interest I was involved with — that hadn’t already appeared in the press.
Shepherd expressed regret that Diana did not take proper safety precautions on the day of the fatal accident.
He believes that if Diana had been wearing a seatbelt, she would have survived the tragic event in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel. Perhaps with minor injuries such as a black eye or a broken arm, but she would have been able to attend her children’s weddings.
“I wish I could say she would have died whatever happened, but the fact is, if she had worn her seatbelt she would have been here for Prince William and Harry’s weddings,” he told the Daily Mail.
Dr Shepherd’s revelations provided an insight into the details and circumstances surrounding Princess Diana’s death and showed how a simple safety precaution, such as wearing a seatbelt, could have changed the course of history.