With the recent public appearance of Princess Leonor, 17, in the town of Chinchón, many portals begin to analyze the behavior and body language of the heir to the throne.
Leonor, who is a month away from finishing her international studies in Wales, and a few months away from starting her military training, has given much to talk about since she reappeared last Saturday, April 8, at a cultural activity of popular tradition linked to Easter with her family.
The young princess has shown grace and elegance that make it clear that she is preparing very well for her future role as leader of the Spanish monarchy. For all to see, the Princess of Asturias is gradually moving away from the little girl she was to give way to the woman she is becoming.
The changes in her style and personality are evident. Her way of dressing has shown a strong influence on her mother, as well as the way she wears her hair and makeup. In addition, a change in her attitude, more relaxed and comfortable, has been noticed.
The princess’s ability to express herself clearly and confidently is especially noticeable when she has had to give public speeches. Her body language and tone of voice have demonstrated her confidence and command of the situation and this has surprised everyone.
The Princess of Spain has shown a great sense of responsibility and discipline. Despite her youth, her behavior in public has been impeccable, demonstrating a high level of respect and commitment to her position.
What does Princess Leonor’s body language say?
In her last public appearance, Leonor showed great complicity with her father during the event, as she helped him take photos and videos with her phone in a discreet and friendly manner.
She avoided having long conversations or diverting her gaze from the show.
Throughout the meeting she appeared calm as her posture was always straight and without raising her shoulders, suggesting that she was not nervous.
She kept her arms to either side without crossing them, which would be a sign of discomfort; putting them behind her back could be interpreted as boredom, or with her hands in front of her, would be a sign of shyness.
While it remains to be seen how the future queen’s career will develop, her recent behavior in public shows that she is on the right track to take on the challenge of inheriting the crown, as she has an open attitude, full of confidence, always looking her interlocutors in the eye, appearing open and cordial.