It has been eight months since Princess Leonor of Spain entered the Military Academy of Zaragoza to receive military training, a stage she must fulfill as heir to the throne.
During this time, Leonor has faced different military training where she has excelled as a cadet lady.
Military training of the Princess of Asturias
The Princess of Asturias has received good comments from her superiors, who have said that she is “a brilliant student.”
“Her capacity for self-improvement and sacrifice has far exceeded the Academy’s expectations,” sources close to the Military Academy have said.
Among the maneuvers in which Leonor has participated are; Platoon, rifle and combat practices in population, as well as helicopter embarkation and disembarkation, and in helitransport as a unit in a tactical environment.
We recently reported on Princess Leonor’s almost complete mastery of horsemanship.
Undoubtedly, where Leonor has excelled the most has been in the theoretical subjects, without leaving behind also the physical modalities.
She is the heiress
As heiress to the throne, there were always doubts about the “special” treatment she would receive at the Military Academy, although from the beginning it was said that the princess would be treated as a student, not everything is like that.
“She is the heiress to the lathe of Spain. She will always have some special treatment, different from the others,” say sources close to the Military Academy.
Leonor will not participate in close combat
As heir to the throne, Leonor learns the basics that a soldier should know but is not instructed like the rest of the cadets.
The Spanish portal Monarquia Confidencial revealed that Princess Leonor will not participate in the close combat training.
“There is no hand-to-hand combat, she will not follow a military career even though she will one day hold the supreme command of the Armed Forces,” according to La Zarzuela’s sources.
In simpler words, Leonor does not train for combat, she does not face the levels of simulation of a real combat on the ground.
What the heir to the throne can do is observe how her classmates perform combat.
“Group armies are always group armies, that doesn’t change,” and they add: “Her lessons are oral and focused on activities to assemble weapons and military equipment in the shortest possible time.”
The heir to the throne is only two months away from saying goodbye to Zaragoza.
Princess Leonor’s military calendar
According to the official calendar of the academy, the final exams will be held from May 11 to 24.
After completing the exams, all students will face a final two-week period of Instruction and Training that will end on June 7.
Finally, on June 19, the closing ceremony will be held, which is expected to be attended by King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain.
Leonor will then begin a short vacation in Palma de Mallorca before resuming her military training, but now at the Military School of Marin (Pontevedra).