The investigation of Victoria Federica, the daughter of Elena, Duchess of Lugo, is the new setback faced by the Spanish royal family.
Last week the Supreme Court announced a new investigation against King Emeritus Juan Carlos I, for the use of opaque cards with which they mobilized large amounts of money from accounts that were not in the name of any member of the family.
Mrs. Sofía and her grandchildren are linked to the scandal, however, it is now known that Victoria Federica, her eldest granddaughter, could be more muddy than others.
Investigation to Victoria Federica
The daughter of the Infanta Elena is in the sights of the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office and is that the eldest of the Duchess of Lugo could be guilty of tax fraud.
Spanish media highlight that Victoria Federica’s mare was bought with dirty money.
The relationship between the emeritus and Victoria Federica is the closest, that is why Juan Carlos was willing to satisfy all the wishes of his favorite granddaughter.
They assure that Victoria Federica could appear before the Treasury to declare the origin of the funds with which she bought her mare.