On February 7, Queen Letizia received devastating news, her sister, Érika Ortíz Rocasolano, was found dead, she was alone in her home in Valdebernardo and the body was located by her partner Alberto García.
What did Erika Ortiz, Queen Letizia’s sister, die of?
First, it became known that Queen Letizia’s younger sister, 31, had died in strange circumstances in the same residence they had once shared.
Later it was learned that Érika was in psychiatric treatment for stress and anxiety, for which she had prescribed anxiolytics and other medicines, some bottles of these drugs were found empty in the house and she was on sick leave for the same medical reason.
Shortly after, more details were revealed, such as the one that suggests that the death of Erika Ortíz was not an accident, but that it was premeditated. For example, his daughter Carla, who was then four years old, used to spend days at her grandmother’s house; Paloma Rocasolano, but that night she slept in a neighbor’s house.
Five letters were also found, one to her mother, another to her father, another to the father of her daughter, Antonio Vigo, and two others to her sisters Telma and Letizia. Of the content of them little is known.
15 years since the death of Erika Ortiz
This February 7, 2022 has been 15 years since the death of the younger sister of the Queen of Spain and it is a pain that still does not overcome the mother of Leonor and Sofia.
The queen paused her schedule to spend the day retired from her duties and remember her sister. Photos of Letizia at her sister’s funeral show a devastated and heartbroken queen.