This weekend Princess Leonor attended, along with her sister Infanta Sofia, her first official visit to Girona as part of the events related to the Princess of Girona Awards.
At the event, which took place at the Dalí Theater-Museum in Figueres, the daughters of the King and Queen of Spain fulfilled their first solo engagement after Leonor arrived in Spain after spending several months in Wales studying. However, although there were many details to appreciate, one that caught the eye was the wounds on Princess Leonor’s hand.
What happened to Princess Leonor’s hand?
During the tour, photographers managed to capture that the fingers of Princess Leonor’s left hand had wounds similar to burns.
In social networks the detail of her fingers did not go unnoticed, many users began to wonder what had happened to her and several news portals as well. Faced with the avalanche of comments, the Royal House did not clarify the reason for the injuries and assured that “they were unaware that she had injuries”.
On the other hand, others point out that the injury, alleged burns, could be due to an accident in the kitchen, as it is known that Princess Leonor has a particular predilection for cooking.
Princess Leonor style
Despite the injuries, Princess Leonor did not hesitate to enjoy her tour of the theater-museum and admire some pieces of the legendary painter. She wore a cross neckline dress, puffed sleeves, flowing skirt and print, a Mango garment that, in the best style of her mother, combined it with espadrilles.
A very summery look that was completed with her hair styling, where she wore it in a half updo with a classic braid.